+39 3481663798 evan@piemontemio.com

Well, I have been working on a way to get producers here, who are in lockdown, connected with you out there, who are very likely in lockdown.

It’s been over four weeks for the entire country here, with an extension until at least 13thApril – indeed, it feels as if we could Spend a Lifetime like this, our days Drifting Along.  Being cooped up at home Everyday, living online, the Didjital Vibrations are leading inexorably to Virtual Insanity.

That’s why I wanted to offer you my Personal Wine Shopper service.

With the Personal Wine Shopper the High Times can be here again.  The shipping service Funktions very well: I daresay in the UK they Use the parcelForce.  Once you have bought your wine, the shipper will contact you to ask you Do U Know Where You’re Coming From – or possibly where you would like the wine shipped to.  I daresay there may be some of you that had an accident the last time you brought a case of wine home and Didjeram-in: why not let the Cosmic Girl or boy from the courier company do the legwork for you?

Perhaps you are buying it as a surprise gift for that special someone in your life.  When it arrives, they will turn to you and say, ‘You Are My Love’.  And at that point, you will know that everything will be Alright.

Since you can’t get out, why don’t you do some Travelling Without Moving, and have Piemonte come to you?

If you are interested in having wine shipped to your door directly from the producer, contact me at evan@piemontemio.com and I will send you pricing and details of what to do.



My thanks to Dentz Orchards and Berry Farm for existing – without you, I would have had a hell of a time trying to provide a visual clue to the inspiration for this post that wouldn’t give the game away immediately…